MAMODIS - "MAss MOvement Detection and Identification System"

Automatic Detection and Identification of Alpine Mass Movements
based on a Combination of Infrasound and Seismic Signals

The driving idea of this work was to design a detection system for different kinds of alpine mass movements which is low cost and can be easily installed. These requirement leads to a combination of one infrasound sensor and one geophone which are placed co-located and a microcontroller where a specially designed detection algorithm is executed which can detect mass movements in real time directly at the sensor site. This detection system can be extended to a warning system which can be used for different applications:
Protection of infrastructure like traffic lines by controlling a traffic light, information about events to check the status of technical protection measure (e.g. fill level of a retention basin or debris flow net), protection of construction sites inside the channel (e.g. for cleaning up a basin after an event), or at regions where a temporary protection is sufficient.
Further this system offers first information of the process-type and a rough estimation of the peak discharge and the total volume. These values are calculated from the seismic and infrasound signals.
If you want to test this system for your application please contact:


System costs depending on the application and equipment (including installation and maintenance for one year):

€ 6.000 - 9.000

Possible system setup:


Status-Messages to this Internet Platform every hour to check functionality and get event information (password-protection possible)

Power supply:
Solar panel (20Wp), charge controller and battery (24Ah)

Additional equipment:
Webcam based on Raspberry PI: PICam
Pictures to this webserver in a freely definable time interval; Videos in case of an event; Trigger via RF-Module possible.