Torrente Cobello and Torrente Re
During the night for 27th to 28th of July 2022 a strong thunderstorm triggered debris flows at Torrente Re and Torrente Cobello (upper Valcamonica valley in the province of Brescia), causing severe damage to the municipality Niardo and to the railway line from Brescia to Edolo. After these events, the municipality decided to install a warning system at the Torrente Cobello and Torrente Re to protect infrastructure and citizens in case of future events. Therefore, different monitoring equipment like wire sensors, rain gauges and geophones has been installed by the company Hortus ( in spring 2023. In addition to these warning systems, two MAMODIS stations in combination with the Raspberry PI camera (PICam) have been installed in the lower catchment area in April 2023.

Fig. 1: Overview of the site Torrente Cobello and Torrente Re (red line: catchment area; Source: Google Maps).