Val Rabbia
The Val Rabbia catchment has been equipped with the MAMODIS system in 2021 as part of a monitoring project funded by the Regione Lombardia. The Val Rabbia catchment is located on the left side of the Oglio river valley closed to Sonico. Together with the tributary Val Gallinera it has a catchment area of 13.5 km² with the highest elevation at 3220 m a.s.l and a torrent length of around 5.5 km (3.3 km Val Gallinera). The monitoring station is located in the lower part at an evaluation of 770 m a.s.l closed to the village Rino. Debris flows occurring in that catchment can range up to a total volume of 300 000 m³. The monitoring station was build together with the Universitá di Bologna and consist of a MAMODIS system, a rain gauge, a camera based on Raspberry Pi and three more geophones. Further monitoring stations are planned in the next years.

Fig. 1: (a) Overview of the test site Val Rabbia (red line: catchment area); (b) Closer view of the monitoring Station 1 and sensor setup (Source: Google Maps).