In 2013 a detection system has been installed at the torrent Farstrinne. This torrent is located near Umhausen in the Ötztal in Tyrol and has a catchment area of about 5.5 km² from around 2950 m a.s.l. down to 950 m a.s.l. where it flows into the Ötztaler Ache. The detection system, equipped with a Chaparral infrasound sensor and a SG-5 geophone, was installed on the top of the dam of the upper retention basin (1058 m a.s.l., Figure 1). In August 2014, a debris flow Puls-Doppler Radar (IBTP-Koschuch) and a video camera have been also installed there. The system was uninstalled in 2018.

Fig. 1: (a) Overview of the test site Farstrinne (red line: catchment area); (b) Closer view of the monitoring Station 1 and sensor setup (Source: Google/Bing Maps).